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"What are you doing to my friend Clark Clifford? " more than one Democratic senator asked Kerry. Kerry's aides recall how Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Pamela Harriman, a prominent party fund-raiser, called on the senator, urging him to not to pursue Clifford. ----------- About BCCI: BCCI/First American owners Report on Kerry: Jack Blum": "When I first looked at it, I thought there's something nefarious or embarrassing — what is it? Their own incompetence? Worse? You never know the answer, " says Blum. "There was the Fed, which looked stupider than hell, the Office of the Comptroller who were stupid beyond comprehension. The then head of CIA said, yes, the CIA had used the bank. Everything you touched about that bank led to somebody ugly. Margaret Thatcher's husband and maybe son, the prime minister of Canada, a 'who's who of politics and the worlds of skullduggery. " In July 1992, a New York County grand jury indicted Khalid Bin Mahfouz and an aide for defrauding BCCI and its depositors of as much as $300 million.

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Be relaxed. Don't focus on your notes – focus on the conversation you're having. Let the interviewer know you're interested and discuss next steps. Sell yourself! Ask for the job. Ask for a timeline about when the decision will be made. Reflect upon your experience. Write down things that went well and what needs to be improved on your part, as well as your impressions of our company and the people you met. Write down the questions you were asked. They will help you prepare for future interviews. Notify the prospective employer if any of your contact information changes. Consider the next steps and prepare for a follow-up interview or offer negotiation. Three words of advice for a successful interview: Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. Frequently asked questions Read our FAQs about careers at AstraZeneca. Find out more

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