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No one knew how the Web was going to change and develop. No one knew the hot site that people are talking about now five years ago. If they heard their names, they couldn't predict what they would look like or what services they would offer. And if they were described to them they would say they didn't sound very interesting. Instead they now find themselves visiting it 20 times a day and getting 400 links from their friends' emails all the time. So it is impossible to say. It is simply impossible. You know, one resorts to terrible clichés, about the imagination being the only boundary or something and nonsense like that. It's exciting, there's no question, it's very exciting.

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Then research the size of the company as well as its working practices and any other information you can find about it. Finally, research the industry they operate in and how it is evolving to recent developments. Usually, reading a couple of newspapers will throw up a story surrounding their industry, or alternatively you could set up a Google Alert of the organisation. Using such knowledge in an interview will demonstrate your commercial awareness and leave your employer with the impression that you know what you're doing. Research as much as you can about the company beforehand. 3. Poor Presentation No matter what the organisation that you are applying for is, always dress professionally. Even if the office is having a casual Friday or the interview is in a relaxed setting, you need to dress smart unless the interview expressly states that the dress code is something different. Dressing down will leave your interviewer with the impression that you are poorly organized and unprofessional.

Designation City Disability Private/Govt.

I've delivered babies and seen them through the first years of life which is really incredible (or at least I think it is). Most of medicine fascinates you. I get to dabble in a little bit of everyone's field. I'm currently working up a primary hyperthyroidism, treated chlamydia, sent a smoker to ENT for a laryngoscope for hoarseness, had to look up the work up for abnormal uterine bleeding, discussed PSA testing the list goes on. You want people to live their best life. This applies to all of medicine, but in family medicine this means an emphasis on prevention and success can look different. Instead of performing the heart saving cath, you counsel on diet, exercise and get appropriate people on a statin. Instead of cutting out the cancer in the colon you convince people to get colonoscopies or do FIT testing. There isn't that instant rush like other specialties, but it's very rewarding in it's own right. Training: Our residency is only three years and it is definitely not the hardest one out there.

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