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"He's apologized. He's taken off a year. I do think he deserves another chance to prove himself. " Although she would like to see C. come back to the West Side Comedy Club, Castillo says she would also like to see him make a tangible effort to publicly support women. "It would be cool if he performed with a female and raised money and then donated it to benefit women's organizations. I don't know if he wants to, but he could set an example for other men who have messed up, " she says. "We need to move forward. I like that women are stepping up to make a change, but men need to as well. Louis C. could and should do that. "

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My last thing about this is that you tweeted and deleted some stuff about him. Is that right? I delete everything. I tweet and then I delete. It's kind of my thing. O. What was your personal experience with him? I've known him from the Comedy Cellar. He has always been kind to me. When we are waiting to go onstage, comedians talk. And I had a conversation with him that always stuck with me, about how a lot of women will put their careers on pause to start a family. There is a kernel of truth to it, and I didn't understand why it frustrated me, but, as I started thinking about gender in America, I was able to construct a bit out of it. The bit is online. I feel dirty even being, like, [ deep voice] "I had a conversation with Louis. " It was a very benign, vanilla conversation, but I do feel like part of the issue is that younger comedians look up to older, veteran comics, and we seek guidance and advice from them. And, even if they aren't doing anything creepy to you, comedy is a business, and there is no H. R. It is hard for people who are trying to make their way and survive in this world.

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Why didn't UK fans get the same treatment for these shows? 'I tried. I wanted to do the same thing in the UK, and I just couldn't do it. It took almost a year just to create the tour [in the US] and the ticketing system and all that stuff. The stranglehold on American ticketing is pretty phenomenal. We just found all these nooks and crannies and crevasses, and it was a lot of work, so trying to do it in England, where I don't have any associations, just didn't work. So we retreated to: well, let's just go to England and do some shows... ' You play large theatres in the States, and you're a pretty no-frills stand-up, but you're playing the O2 over here. How do you feel about playing such a massive venue? 'I wanted to try to get to as many people as I could, because I could only go for a short time. I talked to Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld, who have both played it, and they said they had a really great show there. They're used to playing shows my size also. Just to give an option to people who wanted to see me more intimately, I added the two shows at Hammersmith.

Louis ck interview youtube job interview

We let men—white men—get away with things. You didn't let me finish. If you have a guy like Louis, who was seen by a lot of liberal people as this white guy who gets it, and who is beloved by the press and on social media, then you have this thing where he can tell unfunny or inappropriate jokes, or use the N-word on HBO in 2011, which did not even make a big splash until now. And then our perception of him flips, and our whole response flips. It does. This is a tangent, but, in terms of why our perception of him changed, I don't think it's because of what he did but because he denied it for two years. If you are in this position of truth-teller, and then you gaslight people, I think that seems to a lot of people like a bigger indiscretion than jerking off in front of women without their consent, or tanking a lot of women's careers on your path to success. But it's more interesting if conversations aren't about him but about us, because it really is about us. We continually want to hear from these men, or pay attention to these men, and take space away from other voices we have ignored forever.

54:47 Louis CK - Charlie Rose Interview Remembrance of Things Past Aufrufe 30 Tsd. Louis CK talks about Horace and Pete and other things... 54:40 2010 Louis C. K. Paley Center Full Interview SouthernComfort Productions Aufrufe 6 Tsd. Uploaded for educational purposes. I do not own this content in any way. All rights go to RSRV Channel and The Paley Center for... 11:13 Louis CK Letterman on Being Parents Full Interview Ben Hobson Aufrufe 83 Tsd. Louis CK Letterman on Being Parents Full Interview louis ck, louis ck 2016, stand up comedy, louis ck stand up, louis c. k., louis ck... 1:00:16 LOUIS C. TIFF 2017 krkkukuku Aufrufe 119 Tsd. 1:04:16 O&A Louis CK, Full Interview (Broadcast Audio) 01 28 2014 Comedy and shit Aufrufe 17 Tsd. Louis CK talks about going to the movies high, 'Gravity, ' blackbox recordings, his boat, Jerry Seinfeld, ice fishing joke from... 1:47:48 Joe & Raanan Talk Movies - Episode 13 - Stanley Kubrick - Guest: Louis CK Joe List Aufrufe 47 Tsd. Joe & Raanan are back and for the first time ever are joined by a guest.

I hope you make it to one of the shows. Happy new year. Happy holidays. Happy life. Happy family. Happy pets. Happy elephants. Louis ck. See More Louis CK Poolside promo LOUIE is on FX every Tuesday at 11pm.

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